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 Our Services

Geotechnical Engineering


GeoResources provides geotechnical engineering services to a wide variety of commercial developers, architectural and engineering companies, local municipalities, and to homeowners. GeoResources provides reliable, cost effective geotechnical engineering solutions by understanding the local geology and jurisdictional requirements, staying atop the newest geotechnical technology, and understanding the client’s needs on any given project. We provide our clients with the following:

Pre-Feasibility Assessments / Site Reconnaissance Reports / Geotechnical Engineering Reports / Mechancially Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Designs / Rockery Wall Designs / Temporary Cut Slopes and Temporary Shoring Design / Pavement Designs / Liquefaction Analysis / Pile Designs / Slope Stability Analysis / Geologic Hazards Assessments with Buffer and Setback / Recommendations / Stormwater Infiltration and Mounding Analysis / Expert Witness


Construction Monitoring Services    


GeoResources uses trained field technicians and staff geotechnical engineers/geologist to provide accurate geotechnical construction observation services. Our field staff is available to provide immediate response to owners and contractors. Daily activities and test results are summarized in a Daily Field Report., that are provided to the owners, contractors, and jurisdictional agencies.  Many of our field staff and project managers have completed the DOE Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) training.  Our services include:


In-situ Field Density Testing / Utility Trench Backfill Testing / Crushed Surfacing Base and Top Course Testing/Proof-rolling / Asphalt Placement Testing / Pre-load Monitoring / Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Construction / Rockery Construction / Pile Installation / CESCL/Erosion Control 


Geology Services     


GeoResources was founded in 1996 to provide engineering geology services to local gravel pit and rock quarry operators in the Puget Sound area.  Since then, GeoResources has expanded its geologic services to include critical areas/geologic hazard assessments.  Our ability to understand the local geology is fundament in our ability to provide our Geotechnical and Hydrogeology services to our clients. As such, we provide our clients the following geologic services:


Geologic Mapping / Subsurface Explorations / Local Jurisdiction Critical Area/Geological Hazard Assessments / Economic Geology / Borrow Sources, Pit, and Quarry Volume Estimates / DNR Surface Mine Permits / Slope Stability Analysis / Shoreline and River Channel Erosion Analysis / Rock Quality Assessments / Mine Hazard Assessments / DNR Qualified Expert Reports for Forest Practice Permits 



To support our construction monitoring and geotechnical engineering capabilities, GeoResources has an in-house soils laboratory.

Grain Size Analysis (ASTM D: 422/ASTM D: 1140) / Atterberg Limits (ASTM D: 4318) / Plasticity Index / Atterberg Tests (ASTM D: 2487/ASTM D: 4318 / ASHTO T-90) / Moisture/Density Relationships (ASTM D: 698/ASTM D: 1557) / In Place Density (ASTM D: 6938) 

Hydrogeology Services    


GeoResources provides hydrogeology services to both users of water such as gravel pit operators, quarries, and large developers, as well as providing recommendations on how to deal with storm water runoff to property owners, engineering firms, and jurisdictions. Our hydrogeology services, include:

Hydrogeology Evaluation including Aquifer Recharge/Groundwater Available/ Groundwater Modeling and Mounding Analysis / Water Rights Permitting / Pump Testing and Analysis / Temporary and Permanent Dewatering Design / Seepage Analysis and Intercept Drain Design / Infiltration Testing / Preparation of Jurisdictional Hydrogeology Reports / Stormwater/Erosion Control Plans for Single Family Residences (Abbreviated Plans) 

Tel: (253) 896-1011  

4809 Pacific Highway East; Fife, WA 98424

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